A morning with Meg...

Motherhood, relocating from the UK & living out her childhood dreams by the sea with her baby Bowie & husband Jackson.

Where are you from & where are you now? 

 I am from Shropshire in the UK. I currently live in Coolangatta on the Gold Coast!

When did you move to Australia & what made you move here? 

I moved to AUS 5yrs ago now. Originally it was a short trip before I was planning on going to university but I ended up falling in love with the life out here and never went home - sorry mum!   

What is your babies name & how old is he? 

My little man is called Bowie and he is turning 1 on the 2nd of March... brb just crying 

Describe motherhood in three words? 

 Incredible, exhausting and transcendent 

What time does your day start - any morning rituals? 

  Most mornings we wake up at about 6.30am, but I have an early bird so it can be as early as 4.30am (rip me)! First things first I make myself a coffee. We have breakfast together and walk down to check the surf. 

Best advice you received as a new mother? 

 Trust your gut. You know yourself and your baby best and don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise.

Who & what inspires you? 

 I am so inspired by women as a whole. What amazing creatures we are! So powerful, beautiful and unstoppable. My life is filled to the brim with amazing women who fuel me every single day to be my own person. Sisterhood is powerful.

What is your favorite thing about raising your family by the ocean? 

 My husband and I are total water babies. We live, eat and breathe for the sea. To watch Bowie be able to grow into that is just incredible. He is totally at peace when he’s in the water and it’s really amazing to watch. I am giving him the childhood that I dreamed of.

How do you unwind after a stressful day? 

 A swim in the ocean, netflix and a giant mug of peppermint tea. Nothing better!

 Favourite piece from the ‘Wilflöwer’ collection? 

 I absolutely adore the Dahlia dress. It fits so perfectly and is amazing for a summers evening, drinking gin with some friends! 

What colour linen are you dreaming of next? 

I would love to see some earthy tones... Sage and rust. What dreams are made of!


 Shop the look

Meg wears The Dahlia Dress in 'lilac' 


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