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Mothers Day Journal, in conversation....

Mothers Day Journal, in conversation....

Motherhood, it really is life's biggest & greatest journey
To honour Mothers Day this year, I sat down with four beautiful Mothers & chat all things Motherhood, life and more
Enjoy xx


My full name… 

Alicia Caley

But my friends call me...


My family consists of… 

Hubby of 11 years and our tribe of 3 boys

I grew up in... 

This small little sleepy town back on the Central Coast, NSW. The town was practically surrounded by water where we had Lake Munmorah on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. Safe to say, I’m a water baby and the sea raised me!

A daily ritual...

Sun in my eyeballs. Ok sounds a little weirder than it is when you read it like that but it’s basically just getting that early first morning sun in my eyes before looking at my phone. The infrared light from the sun is crucial for our overall health. Helps me sleep better, it boosts my mood, my skin and immune health - it’s literally healing! Trust me. Do this consistently for a week and you’ll wonder why you never did this to begin with!

My son's names are...

Austin (7), Emmett (4) and Tex (3)

Motherhood in three words…

Hectic, expansive and emotional

Self care to me is...

Setting boundaries and not apologising for it. Knowing what is most valuable to me in the season I’m in, and prioritising that over expectations, opportunities or opinions from others. Being able to honour myself and my family by purposefully setting boundaries with my work and social media presence has been a game changer in my self-care routine. It means this mumma is far less burnt out and more present in both my family space and work space as I’ve learnt to not take on anything that runs me thin.

Each morning we...

battle over getting clothes on our boys! I can tell you my negotiation skills are that of a master wizard level by now ha!Motherhood has taught me… you can never own anything white ha! No but seriously - that being frustrated and thankful exists in the same feeling. It’s a thing. Most days there is a level of frustration whether it’s from breaking up fights for the 482946 time, or not getting a hot meal to myself or missing an important work meeting because it took too long to get everyone dressed, fed and out the door for the day. But it’s not lost on me how damn thankful I am to even have these levels of frustrations to begin with. It means I have three healthy (chaotic) babes who chose me as their mother and they never once second guessed their choice. And this is never lost on me but know mummas - that being annoyed and thankful exists as one of the same!

The perfect morning...
waking up to the sun and not my babes for once! Followed by a hot meal all to myself, quick skatepark ride then beach with my babes.I find comfort in... knowing that in the days I feel like everything went up in flames, I don’t need to carry that weight with me into the next day. We get the opportunity every new morning to choose to do better, BE better. It’s not a race. And we get endless amounts of “do-overs”You will usually find me... at the beach and in the sea. 

Ali weras The Vacation Tee + The Original Bike Pants 'vacation print' Chocolate

Before I became a Mother I was…

a makeup artist living in Sydney, who completely under appreciated how amazing it is getting 10mins to yourself to do ANYTHING uninterrupted 

Three words to describe me…

Loyal, sarcastic and fierce

I run a business called…

Wildly Wholesome - holistic wellness for children and families 

My full name…
Kati Clements 

My family consists of… 

My husband, Rob, our two daughters, Oakie May and Maple Starr and our fluff baby, Storm

I can be found...
Out and about, somewhere in the sunshine!

My daughter's names are...
Oakie May and Maple Starr

Motherhood in three words…
Love, happiness and a gift

Each morning I like to...
Snuggle my babies in bed before we get up and get ready for the day. I love listening to what Oakie has dreamed about that night.

Motherhood to me is…
The best job I have ever had!

I find comfort in...
My babies snuggles and a nice warm doona with a cup of tea.

Self care is...
Reading a book, uninterrupted

My daughters teach me...
To see things through their eyes, with wonder and excitement. And patience, so much patience!

Oakie (right) wears The Minnie Dress 'Long Lunch' Biscuit + Maple (left) wears The Flora Mini Romper 'Daisy' Lavender

 The scent of home is... 

Fresh air, we always leave all our doors and windows open!

I'm looking forward to...
So much! Travel, celebrating with friends, watching my babies grow together 😍

I feel creative when...
I have my hands in clay, creating!

In the future I hope to…
Take my babies over to meet their great grannie in the UK  


My name is...

Rebecca Elizabeth Schrader

My family consists of… 

Myself, husband Colby and our three children oh and our border collie puppy Bear

I grew up in...

In Cessnock NSW which is the gateway to the Hunter Valley Vineyards. I still live here and love it.

My children's names are...

Bobby, Georgie and Billie

Motherhood in three words…

A privilege, exhausting and JOYFUL.

In the future I hope to...

Be full of joy still and always find the good in people. And one day when my little people have grown a bit older have a physical store of my own as well as my online store.

Motherhood has taught me…

So much, but mainly how much love you have for these little people. My two eldest kids have a complex medical condition which has put lots into perspective, but it has shown me how strong I am in becoming their biggest advocate. Motherhood has given me so much purpose and I feel privileged to raise three awesome humans. Tired but privileged 

The perfect morning...

This has changed over the years of motherhood depending on what ages/sleep they have. But right now it’s waking up to Billie chatting and most likely one of the older two in bed snuggling and getting a gym session in on my own followed by a family walk to get coffee and food. Simple things really are the big things. If I lived near the ocean it would include a daily dip…a girl can dream.

My favourite snack is…

Is coffee a snack? Coffee always coffee. Or something cheese related.

Before I became a Mother I was…

Young, well rested and so naive 🤣 I’m still that same girl but just much more content, motherhood has really grounded me in a way I didn’t know was possible. Don’t worry I still long for those childfree catch ups with friends or girls weekends or date nights…where I then miss my kids. Oh what a roller coaster.

My personal style is…

Comfortable, flattering and fun

Three words to describe me…

Empathetic, positive and fun

Something people don’t know about me…

I’m an open book really ummmmm I LOVE country music. Hubby and I last minute flew to Vegas not long after meeting and seen Garth Brooks! Fun

Self care is…

Getting a facial or a massage. Reading a good book. Going for a walk listening to some good tunes. Eating a good meal. Laughing lots with good people. A nice bottle of wine.

I run a business called…

Gigi the store we stock lots of lovely brands including Hall Store for women, children and lifestyle. Come check us out xx

My full name…

Kailani Sky Tomkins 

But my friends call me...  


My family consists of…  

Love and ceramics hah!

I grew up in...

Noosa born and raised 

My daughter's name is...

Marguerite June but we call her Daisy (Marguerite is French for dasiy)

Motherhood in three words…  

empowering, exhausting and loving 

Self care to me is...

alone time 

In the future I hope to...

Travel the world with my family and own a big beautiful lovelani studio 

Motherhood has taught me…


The perfect morning...

Anything with a coff and An almond crossiant 

I am happiest when...

I'm either creating or with my family at the beach 

Before I became a Mother I was…  

A visual merchandiser for a homeware company 

My personal style is…


Three words to describe me…

Humble. Creative and fun

I run a business called… 

Love Lani Co


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