Where are you from & where are you now?
I grew up in a country town outside of Sydney and lived there until about 20. After living in Sydney for ten years, my husband and I moved to the Gold Coast and can't believe we didn't sooner; we love this lifestyle!
Who & what inspires you?
Confident women! I feel so empowered by women that embrace their uniqueness and are unapologetically themselves. In my 30s, I became aware that the more I loved myself, the happier I was. I can say that a woman who is confidently herself shines differently. I can confidently say that I love the person I am. It feels extremely liberating to stop comparing yourself to others and own who you are!
How did the 'Fluid Form' come about?
I have always been fascinated with the human body. I love everything about it, and I wanted to pay homage to the acceptance of all forms. Rolls, wrinkles, stretch marks, it's all so beautiful. I want us to embrace what we've got and feel supported and empowered doing it. I hope I can help people feel as beautiful as the way I see them.
What type of camera do you shoot with?
I shoot with a Fujifilm Xt4.
Describe your personal style?
My style changes every day, and I love that about my style! I wake up every morning and get to express myself through fashion. One day, I'm wearing a beautiful Hall Store dress; the next, I'm in a tie and oversized blazer, haha. I'm lucky enough to incorporate the love of fashion into my job now, which I'm so grateful for!
What does your idea of 'the perfect day look like in your world?
I love to up early with my husband, go for a swim, get coffee and then go on an adventure! We love to make sandwiches and just drive! We often go for a hike or have a picnic at a lookout, find fudge at a random roadside store, or find watering holes that we didn't expect to see. I want to introduce nature to my son at a very young age to experience the simplicity of days like these.
How do you unwind & relax after a stressful day?
By jumping straight into the waves!
Favourite place in the whole world?
I would have to say the West Coast of Canada! Kyle (my husband) is from Canada, and a few years ago, we went on a road trip around the West Coast, and I have never felt more at home. My dream is to take six months off and road trip around with our son.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
You're going to live with yourself for the rest of your life; you may as well make your mind a beautiful place to live in!
What are you excited about in 2022?
The arrival of my beautiful baby boy!!
Go to the podcast at the moment?
I love Australian Birth Stories. The strength that women have and the stories they tell and so inspiring. I also love Mamamia out loud. The ladies discuss everything from pop culture to politics, body image to motherhood, feminism to fashion in brilliant ways.
Favourite piece from the Holiday ll collection?
Ooh, that's a tough one. I remember shooting your campaign, and every time the model came out with a new long, I swore that was my favourite! I would probably have to say Palmona Dress in hot pink. It is so versatile and can be styled in so many ways. My favourite way to style it is with Dr Martins and a black blazer!